So, it's happened! Weight Watchers has begun rolling out the new Weight Watchers Points Plan (2022 / 2023) and I will explain it all here.
Weight Watchers has gone 'back to basics'. The new program is called Points and is very similar to the Freestyle Plan of 2017/2018 and the myWW Blue Plan of 2019/2020 ... and I personally couldn't be happier!
Unlike the Personal Points plan of 2021, the new WW Points plan will mean that everyone follows the same plan (unless they are diabetic in which case the plan will differ slightly).
This means that a food that 'costs' 3 Points for you will also 'cost' 3 Points for everyone else!

That doesn't mean that everyone's Point allocation will be the same though.
So how does Weight Watchers Points work?
Each person following the program will be given a set allocation of daily & weekly Points that they can 'use' on whatever foods they want.
This Points allocation is calculated by looking at your gender, your current weight, age, height etc.
Every food has a Points value. This is worked out (for you via the WW App) using a calculation of the nutritional makeup of the food - its calories, protein content, fats, fiber etc.
You can use your Points allocation on any foods that you want, with foods that are higher in protein and lower in fat being fewer Points than foods high is sugar and saturated fats.
This will nudge you towards reaching for the healthier more satisfying foods.
You will also be given a comprehensive list of foods that are Zero Points - that is, foods that you can eat without them diminishing your Point allocation (more about that below!).
Your daily Points allocation is the amount of Points that you should try to eat per day and the weekly Points are those that you can use to top up your dailies or can use for that special meal out or piece of cake!
You may also 'earn' further Points for the activities that you do.
Who has access to the New WW plan?
As of 14 November 2022 anyone living in the US should have access to the new Points plan. The plan will roll out to the rest of the world over the next few weeks.
If you are in the US you will have the option of staying on the Personal Points plan until 11 December 2022 but then you will automatically be transferred to the new Points plan.
When you log into your WW App on your Smartphone who will be asked whether you want to change to the new plan - just follow their instructions on how to do this.
About The New WW Points Plan
- You will be given an allocation of Points that you can use on any food that you want.
- Every food has a Point value. The Point values of food is calculated by looking at is protein content, fat content, calories etc.
- The Point values for foods are easy to find by using the search feature on the WW App or even by scanning the barcode on the back of the food packet with your App! This makes it sooooo easy to track what you eat!
- Foods with higher sugar and fat content will be higher in Points.
- Foods with a higher protein content and lower sugar and fat content will be lower in Points.
- The amount of Points you are allocated is calculated from information about you - your age, gender, height, current weight etc.
- You will receive an allocation of daily Points (Dailies) that you can use for all the foods that you love & you will also receive an allocation of weekly Points (Weeklies) that you can use to top up your daily budget or to use on something 'big' - like that piece of pie you have been craving!
- There are certain foods that have been calculated Zero Points and these are technically foods that you can eat as much of as you want and they won't eat into your daily Points.
- The Zero Point foods on the Points plan include non starchy vegetables, fruit, fat free yogurt and popcorn (read below for a more exhaustive list of Zero Point foods).
- On the new Weight Watchers Points plan, like previous plans, you will be able to track your food intake, your weight, your activity, your water intake and your sleep on the WW App.
- Unlike the last plan (Personal Points plan) you will no longer be given extra Points for eating more non starchy vegetables.
- Neither will you be given extra Points for drinking water.
- You will, however, have the ability to earn extra Points through activity and exercise.

What foods are Zero Point on the WW Points Plan
I have listed which foods are Zero Points on the new WW Point plan below but when you sign up to the new program a full, comprehensive list will be made available to you.
Remember, if you are diabetic some of these foods (including fruit and fat free yogurt may not be Zero Points for you)
- Non Starchy Vegetables (carrots, zucchini, broccoli, squash & cauliflower etc. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes will need 'pointing').
- Fruits (including canned fruits in unsweetened water)
- Eggs
- Fish (including smoked fish)
- Shellfish (shrimp, crab & lobster etc)
- Poultry (skinless chicken breast, skinless turkey breast, ground turkey breast & ground chicken breast)
- Tofu & Tempeh (soft, silken and firm tofu & tempeh)
- Corn (corn on the cob & corn - fresh & canned)
- Fat Free Cottage Cheese
- Fat Free Greek Yogurt
- Fat Free Natural Yogurt, Plain Almond Yogurt & Plain Soy Yogurt
- Quark (up to 1% fat)
- Popcorn (air popped popcorn without butter or oil, salted air popped popcorn without butter or oil)
- Beans, Peas and lentils (including chickepeas, black beans, soy beans, peas etc)

I reached lifetime on the Freestyle plan & then Blue Plan which was very similar to the new Points plan. Of all the plans that I have followed over the years these were my favourites.
So I am delighted that the new WW Points plan is so similar to those older popular plans & that the recipes I enjoyed eating back then will be Zero Points for me (& you!) now!
- Zero Point Chili
- Zero Point Cabbage Soup
- Zero Point Curry
- Zero Point Egg Fried Cauliflower Rice
- Zero Point Salad Dressing
- Lime Fluff
If you are looking for some easy snack low point snack ideas that you can pick up to eat on the go, take a look at my list of the Best Weight Watchers Points Snacks (includes Point values and serving sizes!).
So, now that you have read this information about the new Weight Watchers Points plan, what are your views? Do you like it? Are you excited to start on your new healthy eating plan? Let me know!
Valerie says
Thanks for making it easy to understand.
Jennifer sellick says
Looking forward to trying this plan
Karen Wheelock says
I appreciate your explanations. The WW app doesn’t go into the detail as you have. I appreciate your efforts in making this available for all of us,
Margaret Bowe says
If you were like me you would really be in trouble. Weightwatchers pulled out of Rep of Ireland with very short notice. Lits of people are lost. Shame on them
Micchele says
Thanks for explaining
Kathryn says
My daily points used to be 16 and on the updated plan they are 23. Seems like a big jump?
Sam says
Mine has too ! I think this will be too many points for me…
Rachel says
Sadness. I loved being able to choose my free starch. I took full advantage of free potatoes. Will miss having that easy option for a side with my meals. Also, my salad used to have a net free points if I ate enough lettuce with my dressing, not so anymore. Not happy with the changes so far, it's all take aways lol. However, they did give me a couple more extra points a day... I'm sure I'll get used to it
Bonnie Lagrone says
I don't know, the last program confused me so badly I quit after a month. This sounds the same. I would love the old color coded plans again. I'm afraid to rejoin
Vivian B says
Don't be afraid's super easy.!!! PLEASE TRY IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Betsy says
Can I still use my old WeightWatchers New Complete cookbook from 2006? Will the points in the book still be accurate?
Valerie says
I have been looking for new recipes in older WW cookbooks and have noticed that the nutrition facts often don't have a value for sugars when I want to calculate the points. I'm thinking that this could affect the final total. Is there a quicker way to be sure my point calculation is correct so I don't have to enter the whole recipe?
jamee cofer says
I did freestyle loved it glad it’s back
Linda Roth says
Can’t tell you how happy I am that you have changed it back!
So easy to understand, not like your color codes and free food stuff.
Still have my old booklet with food points in it, and the blue calorie counter. Was so easy to take the counter with me when grocery shopping.
I’ll be digging it out and giving the weight loss a shot at it again!
Thanks for going “back to basics” in this crazy stressful life we’re living in right now????
Terrie says
Where did you get your calorie counter and can you still buy them
Rita Briggs says
To what and how are Activity Points apples? Do they add to your daily points or weekly points?
Denise says
I am very disappointed with this change. I did very well with the last plan, like when whole wheat pasta and brown rice were zero points and earning points for veggies. I wish WW wouldn't change their plans so often. It's very frustrating, especially when I found a plan that works.
Julie Matthews says
I couldn’t agree more!! Finally tried WW in 2022 with the specialized points plan and did GREAT! Tried again in 2023 after the changes and it’s been awful! Gonna have to try a different program.
Joleen says
I was a purple plan previously years ago, so when I signed up again this past March, I was excited that there were no more plans and everyone was on the same. It’s so easy to follow and I LOVE the way you explain how this works! Thank you!
Karon says
Me too! I sure loved the last plan and extra points for drinking more water/non starchy veggies was a great motivation. Oh well, just need to lose 5 pounds.
Elisabeth says
I am so disappointed with the change in the new WW program. I lost 62 pounds, and my husband lost 45 pounds. We liked being able to choose the "free" starches and other foods. We also liked how you got credit for eating non-starchy veggies. We really wish WW wouldn't keep changing the program.
brun says
deçu de cette nouvelle formule, j ai fait le plan bleu pendant 6 mois et j ai perdu 12 kg grace au rajout de point avec les crudites .j ai repris 6 mois avec la nouvelle formule qui me plais moins
Anne says
what don’t people get about calories in vs calories out, and the less you weigh the less you can eat and the less you burn off through exercise?
Wanda Henderson says
I love that it is back to almost Freestyle! I didn’t like the colors at all. I’m very happy with it going back. Everybody’s points being the same is the way I like it. Inn be lost more weight this way. It’s simple, and I like simple.
Julie S says
I was on the green plan prior to personal points, and I feel like I had more points then, maybe 30? With this new 2023 plan, I still have 23 points, the same as I did with PP. is this correct?
Felicia says
Thank you for explaining! I quit WW a couple years ago because it was getting too complicated. I did best when it was simple like it is again now! I’m excited to rejoin
Frieda says
Thank you!
Carol says
I am a lifetime member, is the new Pt system like it was 35 years ago? That was the best system ever!! Will the WW frozen dinners once again go back to listing the points per type of dinner?
bitesmall says
I totally agree! I loved that program and became a life time member back then. It was so simple just check mark boxes,,, did you have your 3 proteins today ... check... your 5 servings of fruits & vegetables?
Was it 2 or 3 'starch' boxes? Check.
I understand now why they change their plan every year. That's pure marketing for them. But if any WW Corporate person read this. Please bring back the little weekly books with little checkmarks (or, put them on the App). Thanks!
P H says
I was doing so well on the PP plan. Don’t like the new plan at all and have been really struggling. Wish I could go back on the PP plan.
Bonnie says
Where can I get a copy of the point value of each food
Sarah says
Thanks for the explanation. I was on the Blue plan. It was easy for me to stay on track, the weight came off, and my family liked the food. Win, win, win!!! But then the plan changed, and I wasn’t able to get with it, so quit hoping to be able to go it alone. You can guess how that went. I understand many people liked the new plan but I had a lot of trouble converting our family favorite WW recipes to come within the new point structure. Your explanation of the “new” (old) plan has encouraged me to re-start WW. I really hope WW stays with a plan similar to the colors plan and doesn’t arbitrarily change again. Many thanks.
Ruth says
I just joined WW and this site has been so helpful! I have learned more from you than I have from WW! I enjoy you recipes! Thanks so much.
Marianne says
I am so pleased that you have found it useful.
Kind regards
Lizzie Briggs says
I really don't like the new plan and I'm finding it incredibly hard to stick to. I'm gluten and dairy free due to food intolerance and IBS and a big staple for me was baked potatoes and brown basmati rice which were free on the old plan. Now I'm finding it incredibly hard to stick to and going over my points each day as I'm just so incredibly hungry. I only joined again for 3 months to see how I got on but I think I'll be giving slimming world a go after my 3 months are up. I was so thrilled when the last plan was launched as you could tailor it to what you liked to eat. We all have different needs and this is way too rigid.
Denise says
I liked the previous plan that rewarded you for eating vegetables and drinking water. Now there is no incentive to add that into a meal to reduce the points. If you are not a vegetable eater there is no reason to add those into your meals. Same for drinking water. The old plan encouraged good habits which helped me so much! Not really liking this change.
Claire says
Thanks for taking the mystery out of it! I’m good to go again now you’ve made it so clear.
Mikki Walker says
I still don't understand... how many daily points will I have to start with please help me with this. Thanks
Marianne says
Hi Mikki
You will have to contact WW directly to get help with this.
Karon says
I loved the last plan. (Lost 20+ pounds last year) trying to lose about 5 so I’ll Extra points if I went over, was a motivation and kept me encouraged. Further pushing water and no starch veggies for points was another motivator. I’m competitive and loved the options. This plan is good but I spent the whole day thinking about non starchy veggies and extra water and movement to cover a few points.
barb allen says
I just renewed my WW account. I did this many years ago and did well...but stopped when they changed the plan to something that felt complicated. Dieting is hard enough without making it difficult to figure out your daily meal allowances. I like to keep it simple....I am diabetic so my plan is geared towards that. I will stay on this one as long as they keep it simple. Why they keep changing things makes me wonder about their mission and agenda's. Is it to conjure up new customers? Will the new customers offset all the people who drop out due to the changes? I think it would behoove them to help current customers stay on their favorite plan....even if they are putting out another new one....just my thoughts.
Valerie Harness says
I have noticed that on some days my weeklies will increase. I don’t understand why that’s happening. Please explain thank you.
Susan Foster says
Thank You for your WW site. I have found WW to be VERY confusing and
I have been a WW for YEARS and it just keeps getting worse.
The app is impossible. And there are not enogh low point meal options.
I have quit and rejoined 3 times. I keep trying.
My advice at this point what has worked in the past keep doing it. How
you get to your goal is ultimately up to you anyway. One thing I did and
it was a true ame changer was I THREW my scale away. If I lost 1/10th of
an ounce I was dancing, if I gained that it runied my day. Use a pair of
jeans as your goal.
Success to all of us.
Vera says
I love this point system better than any of the others. I haven't been on Weight Watchers in two decades. I've been eating really well, lots of fruits and vegetables which I love. I joined 3 weeks ago and I have already lost 8 pounds. I've already eaten at a restaurant three times and I still lost weight.
Debbie Stueckrath says
Where do I find my points I have used after eating a meal