Who doesn't love a Starbucks? But who here is scared to order for fear of choosing badly & using up your whole days Weight Watchers Points all in one go? I know I was when I first started on my WW journey!
So I have put together this comprehensive list of the Best Starbucks for Weight Watchers. It includes some of the lower point selections of Starbucks coffees and snacks available.
Finding a low point Starbucks drink or snack (or both!) that will fit in to the Weight Watchers program can be a bit of a challenge! There is so much choice! For a start you need to know which milk to choose, which drinks contain the most syrup, which drinks come with whipped cream etc etc.
And as for the temptation that is those muffins & danishes .... well!
So hopefully, this list of some of the best low point Starbucks drinks & snacks will help you in your decision making and keep you on track.

One important thing to note is that Starbucks changes its menu occasionally. This means that some of the drinks listed below may no longer be available or may be only available in certain seasons (hello Pumpkin Spice Latte!).
If you are looking for the Point values for one of your favourite Holiday / Christmas drinks then take a look at this post, Starbucks Holiday Christmas Drinks for Weight Watchers.
Also some of your favourites may not be listed here as they weren't available at the time of writing this post. You can always let me know in the comments below if you feel you favorite drink needs a mention!
Lastly, it should be noted that the Point values for these drinks were largely collated from the official WW App. These can sometimes include errors as members may inadvertently enter the information incorrectly. I checked many against the nutritional info supplied by Starbucks, but it has been impossible to do this for every drink.
Starbucks Cup Sizes
Starbucks cup sizes are typically (but not universally) Short, Tall, Grande and Venti.
- Short cups contain 8 fl oz
- Tall cups contain 12 fl oz
- Grande cups contain 16 fl oz
- Venti cups contain 20 fl oz / 24 fl oz
I've included point values for Tall & Grande drinks but not the Short cups or Venti cups.
Zero Point Starbucks Drinks
- Tall Caffe Americano
- Tall Cold Brew Coffee
- Tall Espresso
- Tall Blond Roast
- Tall Reserve Nitro Cold Brew
- Tall Teavana Oprah Chai Herbal Blend Brewed Tea
- Grande Caffe Americano
- Grande Cold Brew Coffee
- Grande Iced Coffee - Unsweetened
- Grande Blonde Roast
- Grande Reserve Nitro Cold Brew
1 Point Drinks
- Tall Cold Brew Coffee with 2% Milk
- Tall Iced Blonde Cold Foam Cappuccino
- Grande Cold Brew Coffee made with 2% Milk
2 Point Drinks
- Tall Cappuccino with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte
- Tall Iced Caffe Latte with Almond Milk
- Tall Cappuccino with Almond Milk
- Tall Honey Almond Milk Cold Brew
- Grande Cappuccino with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Iced Caffe Latte with Almond Milk
- Grande Iced Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte
- Grande Iced Blonde Cold Foam Cappuccino
- Grande Iced Black Tea Lemonade

3 Point Drinks
- Tall Caffe Latte with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Flat White with Almond Milk
- Tall Cafe Misto with 2% Milk
- Tall Cappuccino with 2% Milk
- Grande Flat White with Almond Milk
- Grande Cappuccino with Almond Milk
- Grande Honey Almond Milk Cold Brew
4 Point Drinks
- Tall Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Espresso
- Tall Vanilla Sweet Crem Nitro Cold Brew
- Tall Iced Shaken Espresso with 2% Milk
- Tall Cappuccino with Soy Milk or 2% Milk
- Tall Sweetened Iced Coffee
- Tall Iced Caffe Latte with 2% Milk
- Tall Matcha Lemonade
- Tall Iced Caffe Latte with Coconut Milk
- Grande Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew
- Grande Skinny Mocha with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Flat White with Non Fat Milk (Sugar Free)
- Grande Cafe Misto with 2% Milk
- Grande Cappuccino with 2% Milk
5 Point Drinks
- Tall Caramel Macchiato with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Iced Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte
- Tall Honey Almond Milk Flat White
- Tall Flat White with 2% Milk
- Tall Iced Vanilla Latte with Almond Milk
- Tall Iced Caffe Mocha with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Flat White with Soy Milk
- Tall Cinnamon Dolce Creme with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Iced Flat White with Whole Milk
- Grande Iced Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Expresso
- Grande Iced Shaken Expresso with 2% Milk
- Grande Iced Caffe Latte with 2% Milk
- Grande Cappuccino made with Soy Milk
6 Point Drinks
- Tall Caramel Macchiato with Almond Milk
- Tall Caffe Latte with 2% Milk
- Tall Pink Drink
- Tall Vanilla Latte with Almond Milk
- Tall Hot Chocolate with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caffe Latte with Coconut Milk
- Tall Flavoured Latte with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Dragon Drink
- Tall Lemonade
- Tall Star Drink
- Tall Flat White with Coconut Milk
- Tall Cappuccino with Coconut Milk
- Tall Iced Honey Almond Milk Flat White
- Tall Gingerbread Creme with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Flat White with Soy Milk
- Grande Cappuccino with 2% Milk
- Grande Iced Caffe Mocha made with Coconut Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Iced Caffe Latte made with Coconut Milk
- Grande Iced Flat White with 2% Milk

7 Point Drinks
- Tall Caffe Mocha with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Espresso Frappuccino with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Flat White with Whole Milk
- Tall Flavoured Latte with Soy Milk
- Tall Caramel Cloud Macchiato with Non Fat Milk or Almond Milk
- Tall Iced Caffe Mocha with Coconut Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Cinnamon Dolce Creme with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Espresso Frappuccino with 2% Milk or Soy Milk
- Grande Iced Sugar Cookie Latte with Almond Milk
- Grande Honey Almond Milk Flat White
- Grande Ice Vanilla Latte with Almond Milk
- Grande Flavoured Latte with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Flat White with 2% Milk
- Grande Hazelnut Macchiato with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Gingerbread Creme with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Juniper Creme with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
8 Point Drinks
- Tall Caffe Mocha with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caramel Macchiato with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Iced Caramel Macchiato with 2% Milk or Coconut Milk
- Tall Vanilla Latte with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Chai Latte with Almond Milk
- Tall Irish Cream Cold Brew
- Tall Caffe Mocha with Soy Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Coffee Frappuccino with Non Fat Milk
- Tall Reserve Latte with Whole Milk
- Grande Pink Drink
- Grande Vanilla Latte with Almond Milk
- Grande Iced Caffe Mocha with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Matcha Lemonade
- Grande Cappuccino with Coconut Milk
- Grande Star Drink
- Grande Flat White with Coconut Milk
- Grande Iced Honey Almond Milk Flat White
- Grande Lemonade
9 Point Drinks
- Tall Vanilla Latte with 2% Milk
- Tall Caramel Macchiato with 2% Milk
- Tall Caramel Brulee Latte with Almond Milk or Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Peppermint Mocha with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caffe Mocha with 2% Milk or Coconut Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Toasted White Chocolate Mocha with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Coffee Frappuccino with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Iced Caramel Macchiato with Almond Milk
- Tall Hot Chocolate with Soy Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caramel Brulee Creme with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Juniper Creme with 2% Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caramel Cloud Macchiato with Soy Milk
- Tall Espresso Frappuccino with Whole Milk
- Grande Caffe Mocha with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato with Almond Milk
- Grande Dragon Drink
- Grande Cafe Latte with Coconut Milk
- Grande Hot Chocolate with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Frappuccino with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Iced Vanilla Latte with Coconut Milk
- Grande Cinnamon Dolce Creme with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Juniper Creme with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Gingerbread Creme with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Expresso Frappuccino with Soy Milk
- Grande Citrus Defender
- Grande Coffee Frappuccino with Soy Milk
10 Point Drinks
- Tall Hot Chocolate with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Salted Caramel Cream Cold Brew
- Tall Caramel Brulee Creme with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caffe Mocha with Whole Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Double Chocolaty Chip Creme Frappuccino with Almond Milk (no whipped cream)
- Tall Caffe Mocha with Non Fat Milk & Whipped Cream
- Tall Salted Caramel Cream Nitro Cold Brew
- Tall Cherry Mocha with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Vanilla Latte with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Flat White with Whole Milk
- Grande Caffe Mocha with Soy Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Espresso Frappuccino with Non Fat Milk
- Grande Reserve Latte with Whole Milk
- Grande Cinnamon Dolce Creme with Non Fat Milk (no whipped cream)
- Grande Espresso Frappuccino with 2% Milk
- Grande Coffee Frappuccino with 2% Milk
- Grande Hazelnut Macchiato with Soy Milk
- Grande Caramel Cloud Macchiato with Almond Milk

Best Snacks from Starbucks for Weight Watchers
- Country Archer Hickory Smoked Turkey Jerkey (2 Points)
- Classic Oatmeal with no toppings (3 Points)
- Steel Cut Oatmeal (0 - 3 Points)
- Butter Gourmet Popcorn (4 Points)
- Petite Vanilla Bean Scone (5 Points)
- White Cheddar Hippeas (5 Points)
- That's It Apple Blueberry Bar (6 Points)
- Egg White & Roasted Red Pepper Egg Bites (6 Points)
- Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich (6 Points)
- Vanilla Almond Biscotti (8 Points)
- Chocolate Cake Pop (9 Points)
- Cheese Danish (9 Points)
- Chocolate Croissant (11 Points
- Petite French Madeleines (12)
- Blueberry Muffin (13 Points)
- Almond Croissant (17 Points)
- Blueberry Scone (17 Points)
- Chocolate Chip Cookie (18 Points)
- Iced Lemon Loaf Cake (24 Points)
More Weight Watchers help
If you liked this list of the Best Starbucks for Weight Watchers you may also like these posts!
This list of Best Low Point Snacks includes lots of ideas you may not have considered! This List of Low Point Breads and this list of Best Frozen Meals for Weight Watchers are also popular.
And if you are a coffee fiend, why not check out this list of Low Point Coffee Creamers?
Cutie says
What about a venti americano with heavy whipping cream 3 shots of expresso, 4 pumps of white mocha. 4 pumps of sugar free vanilla and 2 stevia from Starbucks?
WW points on that??
Deborah Johnson says
i appreciate you taking the to share God Bless you for that!
J says
Very comprehensive list! Where did you find all these out? Is there a good website?