If previous experience is anything to go by I'm writing this post on the New Weight Watchers Plan (2022 / 2023) a year too early!
For as long as I remember Weight Watchers has made changes to its plans on a yearly basis. BUT, it is (usually) only every two years that significant changes are made.
And if you have been a Weight Watcher for longer than a year you will know that WW made BIG changes to the program in November 2021!
In November 2021 the WW program changed to the Personal Points Plan from the myWW plan (Blue, Purple & Green plans). This was a big change as every single person following WW was given a personalised plan.
(Updated) Weight Watchers has just launched its new plan. Take a look at the New Weight Watchers Points Plan Explained for all the info!

Although I recognise that every person is individual and therefore what works for one does not necessarily work for another, making the plans so personal to the individual (& therefore different for everyone) seemed to put members off. Members left in droves!
There was no cohesiveness, it was complicated and it seemed to lead to lots of confusion with WW members.
Personally, one of the things that I most loved about WW when I first joined was that I felt like I was part of a community.
I could ask questions at meetings or to anyone following the program and they'd be able to help because they all followed the same plan! I felt I belonged to a group of people that were following the same plan and it felt good to be doing my weight management journey with others!
To be honest as a 'recipe / content creator' the Personal Plan has really sucked too!
I just love creating recipes and on previous plans I knew what ingredients would be low in Points so I could adapt my creations to reflect this. But on the Personal Points plan this was near impossible to do!
So I'm excited that the plan is about to change (or has done so if you are reading this after November 2022!). I'm excited to learn the exact details of what the plan entails and I will post more as soon as the details have been released.
But read on to see what changes we are hearing are afoot!
WW plan changes 2022 / 2023
Word on the WW street is that Weight Watchers may be going back to basics.
It seems like everyone will be on the same (or at least very similar) plan. Whoop, whoop!
It looks like lean proteins such as skinless chicken breast, turkey breast and non oily fish will be no (or low) points for everyone along with non starchy vegetables and fruit.
Whether non fat yogurt will be no points remains to be seen, but let's hope so as it was such a good addition to many recipes.
It is unclear whether the new plan will include extra points for exercise and whether you can eat veggies and drink water to top up your dailies / weeklies! I guess we will just have to wait and see!
There is talk that the new plan is going to be very similar to the Weight Watchers BLUE plan of old and as this was one of my favourite plans to date (it really worked for me) I am very excited by this prospect!
As soon as I hear more on the new Weight Watchers program 2022 / 2023 I will update this post to let you know all the ins and outs in detail.
So watch this space 🙂
Stephanie says
Thank you for this! I was on Connect and reading the rumors of change! Now that I've read this I'm relieved because I hated the new Personal Point plan. If free worked I would not need WW. It may work for some but then why track or pay 23 dollars a month for what??? Community? I have enough with other Social Media! I just don't want to count calories! I went in and answered the questions differently and got mine to very few free foods. Non starchy vegs and fish. Only because I had to pick one to continue and who over-eats fish?! Lol so thank you for giving me hope that they are going back to a more cohesive plan!
Marianne says
Nope - don't think I've ever met someone who over-eats fish either ????.
Lets keep our fingers crossed for a plan that works for all!
Kind regards
Julie Geldart says
Personally, I eat oily fish at least 4 times a week for main meals, and smoked salmon with scrambled eggs a couple of times a week.....just sayin!
Leslie says
Me either....I hate any kind of baked fish. I can do fried catfish...yummy..I would not even guess the points in 1 piece of fish.
Ruth says
I was one of the 'left in droves' who told WW that their 2021 plan was not for me. 15# later, I'm so glad to see this if it is true that I can follow the old blue plan. I had lost over 35# on that plan in 15 months. So anxious to get this weight off before it climbs any higher. Thank you for your info
Marianne says
Sorry to hear that you left Ruth & really hope that you get to follow the Blue plan again - I have my fingers crossed for that too!
I'll be updating the site as soon as we know more so please check back to see.
Kind regards
Sheri says
I left for two reasons-
1st - they eliminated all evenings except for 1 in my area
2nd - PP plan SUCKED. I loved the friendships and the common elements of the meetings. Last meeting I went to everyone was so confused and the leader was talking about feelings
Toni Garmisa says
Looking forward to a new program with good recipe’s from you.
Marianne says
Thank you Toni! I'm really looking forward to the new plan too!
Best of luck with your WW journey.
Marianne x
Theresa says
I am so excited to hear the WW plan is going to change back to something we can all be connected with to make our journey the same to be able to ask her a question and everybody know the answer this is why I joined WW along time ago I’ve gained about 15 pounds because I kinda just gave up I was eating too many zero points food and it just wasn’t exciting for me???? I feel renewed hope and can’t wait for the change this is why I kept the app this is why I keep looking and trying to maintain the foundation I created a long ago thank you for this information!!
Barbara says
I am SO crushed by the proposed changes. A year ago, I saw a "Weight Watcher 3-day Cleanse" on one of the blogs, and, without knowing about the 3 different plans, I got a list of all the 0 point foods for the purple plan and ate nothing but that for 3 days with no trouble at all. I realized that I could live happily ever after on the purple plan. So I joined WW in May, and was horrified to find out that the purple plan was gone. I love to cook, so I have a printed stack of recipes with the point value written on each. It doesn't bother me in the least to look up how many points are in each ingredient and calculate how many points will be in each serving of the entire recipe. I am SOOOO close to goal - I just have 3 more pounds to go. I kind of knew that they change plans frequently now, but I had assumed that I would be in a weight-maintaining mode by then and would be able to deal with it.
I can't believe they are doing this!
Julie Geldart says
Totally agree. I have lost 45lb and my mum has lost 36lb since joining WW in June.
Can't keep up with the swapping and changing.
Is this just another marketing ploy to get us to buy new recipe books etc because the points are no longer PP, Blue points, purple points or free foods.....so annoying.
WW pick a plan and stick to it!!!
Sue says
I agree. We don't eat processed foods in our home, scratch cooking works best.I converted all of my recipes to the points that I was on. Now they change and I have to start all over again. Then Covid hit and we went to zoom meetings and I really enjoyed that. Local people that I knew. That changed to zoom meetings with hundreds of people. Lost that personal connection.
Nancy Walker says
I just left recently because I was tired of paying for a program that didn’t work for me. If this is more the old version I may try it again. Thanks!
Sam says
What bothers me with the blue plan is that carbs are getting heavily penalized. Then they changed it a bit and my favorite, potatoes, were zero points. Now, with the 2022/2023 program potatoes have a high point value again. Dislike! Low carb, low fat might work and give fast results,, but I feel that the cravings are increasing since we can’t eat it as much. Yes, sure we can eat EVERYTHING in moderation, but I have the feeling that you have to be really disciplined with the new program, while the old one was more …… forgiving. Am I the only one who feels that way?
Katherine Needs says
I'm very disappointed that the personal points programme has gone. It worked for me, and I enjoyed the wide range of free meals I could make with my zero-pointed foods.
Mssupertech says
'Leaving in droves' wasn't only about the Plan
It was about everything being online too. I have older friends who just can't manage to follow the plan that way...
Also, in the UK at least, we have no helpers, just the leader, so weighing and sales are far slower. This is something else that WW could change of they want to keep members onboard.
Lizo says
Can I still track activity? I workout daily and want it to count@
Louisa Mendels says
I know that this makes me a dinosaur, but I have been following the very same WW plan since they started over 50 YEARS ago!!!! I like it a lot and hate change. A nutritionist once said that they really didn’t like the “0” points allotted to fruit. She was probably worried about people with blood sugar irregularities. WW couldn’t always answer my questions, although I only asked 2 or 3 in 50 years and always the same one! Nevertheless, I still like WW and wish that there were more classes in my area. Also, miss the magazine and products, TERRIBLY! ????❤️
Alice says
Pandemic shut all our meetings down.
I signed for the on line program. Got very little help as to how to work it.
They refunded my money! I gained 20 lbs.
Tried to restart the program on my own. I have questions and have
No where to find answers.
Where is my support group?
Sandria says
I am a life time member I became one in 1967 I has my ups and downs
8 years I was diagnosed with stage 3&4 chirosses of the liver I am having a very hard time losing weight I have to lose 40 lbs I am unable to consume any sugar and only 50 carbs or less aday Is there any ww menu I can follow for my condition I am 79 years old
Any input would be very helpful
Thankyou Sandria